
IndTech 2024 - Conference on industrial technologies

June 3rd to June 5th 2024 | Namur, Belgium

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The INDTech conference, a flagship event of the European Union, brings together stakeholders from research organisations, industry, SMEs, and policymaking to discuss the state-of-the-art, technological challenges, as well as future trends in the field of industrial technologies.

It will address critical questions such as:

  • How can research be better valorised to have a greater impact on Europe industry competitiveness?
  • How could the R&D dimension be better integrated to ambitious European industrial initiatives to make sure the future of our industry is made in Europe?

 The Luxembourg Digital Innovation Hub (L-DIH) in collaboration with our colleagues from the EDIH WalHub will be present at the conference and contribute during the programme. 
Register for the INDTech 2024 conference directly on the organiser’s website. 

03.06.2024 - 05.06.2024