Industry 4.0 means digitalization and therefore cyber risk. Am I more exposed if I undergo a digital transformation? Learn from the experts and your peers on the panel.
Digital transformation is key for companies wishing to embrace the benefits of industry 4.0. But what does that mean exactly?
08:45 Virtual Room Opening
09:00 Introduction
09:05 Welcome Words
- Claude Strasser, Board Member, FEDIL - Member of FEDIL-Digital & Innovation Board Group
09:10 Keynote
"Industry 4.0 - The Update Paradox", by Marc Notschaele, Owner, TrAxxion
09:30 Industry Testimonial 1
- Laurent Couturier, Chief Information Officer, Armacell International
09:45 Industry Testimonial 2
- Cristian Paun, Chief Digital Officer, Dupont de Nemours
10:00 L-DIH Introduction
- Arnaud Lambert, Director of the Digital Innovation Hub, Luxinnovation
10:15 Cybersecurity: Know where you stand
- Guillaume Carballo, Associate Partner Cybersecurity, EY Luxembourg
Roundtable discussion with:
- Marc Notschaele, Owner, TrAxxion
- Laurent Couturier, Chief Information Officer, Armacell International
- Cristian Paun, Chief Digital Officer, Dupont de Nemours
- Arnaud Lambert, Director of the Digital Innovation Hub, Luxinnovation
- Guillaume Carballo, Associate Partner Cybersecurity, EY Luxembourg
- Moderation: Pascal Steichen, CEO, SECURITYMADEIN.LU
11:45 Conclusions and end of conference